[DB13S] Devil's Brigade

Created: 03/21/2016
Commander: ComGRamos
Not registered on site

We band of brothers &sisters we happy few

In time of war and uncertainty there is a special breed of Warrior ready to answer the call and they are The Devil's Brigade -Clan requirements The love of the game Must RESPECT your fellow Clan Members, in DB13, DB_13 and DB13S BY INVITE, REFERRAL & INTERVIEW ONLY -COMMANDERS- COMRAMOS AND COMKEYES
Average damage


Average winrate


4 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
ComGRamos Commander 2959 days 779 63
Just_Tanking_Along_ Private 2860 days 482 69
Queen_of_Red Private 2951 day 118 47
Daniela974 Private 2946 days 110 47
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 432 186457
ComGRamos 239 127793
Just_Tanking_Along_ 90 29906
Queen_of_Red 98 26882
Daniela974 5 1876
Total 432 186457