Leader | Topbot_ |
Members | 2 |
% victories | 55.11% |
In game | 02/03/2018 / Topbot_ |
On site | 04/12/2018 / Topbot_ |
Updated | 12/03/2024 12:35:30pm ET |
MGR | 53.19 |
WN7 | 1367 |
ER | 1167 |
Battles avg | 51102 |
% victories | 55.11 |
Average damage | 1361 |
Destruction ratio | 1.44 |
Damage ratio | 1.34 |
En. destroyed avg | 0.89 |
Tier | 10 |
Percentage of victories | 50.29 |
Average damage | 1964 |
Vehicles amount | 34 |
The most popular tank Bat.-Châtillon 25 t (1)
Tier | 9 |
Percentage of victories | 53.85 |
Average damage | 1687 |
Vehicles amount | 34 |
The most popular tank Prototipo Standard B (1)
Player | Rank | Veterancy, days | Battle | For month | MGR | Damage | % |
Topbot_ | Leader | 2495 | 73 | 0 | 53 | 1361 | 55 |
Player_3952288369 | Co-leader | 551 | - | 0 | - | - | - |