[-INV-] Invicta

Created: 03/06/2016
Commander: Lumbago_
Not registered on site

To harm one is to anger all. Vengeance is ours...

Skilled, active, mature players wanted. NO JERKS! Min requirements: -5000+ battles -52%+ win rate -1000+ average damage -Discord required Pluses: -Available for, and interested in, playing weekly tournaments -Enjoys platooning and scrimmaging/practicing in training rooms Apply on Discord in the Clan-applications channel: https://discord.gg/cePSabu Be respectful to your clanmates, and your opponents. This is a game
Average damage


Average winrate


39 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Lumbago_ Commander 1268 days 952 72
DixieViper Executive Officer 2373 days 1223 56
Spives21 Executive Officer 2319 days 958 53
Cardinals22 Executive Officer 1095 days 2023 67
_Doomed_ Executive Officer 2949 days 1229 57
WhatsUpWabbit Private 677 days 1418 53
Talento_MF Private 1186 days 1825 62
Sands_of_Fire Private 1962 days 1201 58
brew_dude14 Private 1175 days 1063 53
egg1108 Private 1272 days 1379 52
CROSSF13R Private 1260 days 1434 54
OGbxbblegxm Private 983 days 1191 52
Captain____Crunch Private 986 days 1394 52
Duke_Nukem96 Private 1876 days 1310 51
2Truthful Private 462 days 1180 53
Toadstar Private 244 days 1148 52
Beastmode1342 Private 839 days 1168 53
Trevb1500_TB Private 2161 day 1339 53
_Ryker Private 223 days 1597 57
Tabassum_Bajwa Private 560 days 1107 52
killerzombi Private 3258 days 1093 51
Pfx8a8um4p Private 592 days 1289 52
captaindingleberries Private 1251 day 1219 54
EatABagofRichards Private 1603 days 1670 58
ClownP_nis Private 1271 day 758 62
Magno_Rocha_warrior Private 688 days 1094 53
Russian_assasin_2017 Private 2574 days 1901 66
_DrPro_ Private 128 days 1342 53
Player_2201298700 Private 157 days 1794 61
Taluke Private 2650 days 1325 53
RECEBA_43 Private 255 days 1650 58
Zeek099 Private 3250 days 1235 53
IsxbeIIa Private 1059 days 1425 52
Alex_Romero_Torres Private 1101 day 1050 52
daiseechain Private 544 days 1145 53
sis_marksman Private 1247 days 1787 53
cplchaz Private 2261 day 1661 60
Mateus_blitzBR Private 688 days 1308 52
usagi8 Private 2373 days 1259 59
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 532981 808167101
Lumbago_ 604 335025
DixieViper 12245 16239334
Spives21 11750 15606011
Cardinals22 20027 31363230
_Doomed_ 36249 47885874
WhatsUpWabbit 13587 21302955
Talento_MF 23842 41262752
Sands_of_Fire 16212 20120029
brew_dude14 1514 1800157
egg1108 1516 2542175
CROSSF13R 18099 35325846
OGbxbblegxm 8464 12963542
Captain____Crunch 13611 19810080
Duke_Nukem96 5481 10522143
2Truthful 7000 7986572
Toadstar 9942 13322214
Beastmode1342 8449 13710948
Trevb1500_TB 10496 16400503
_Ryker 7885 10770858
Tabassum_Bajwa 7509 11184589
killerzombi 14666 19797673
Pfx8a8um4p 5461 9329902
captaindingleberries 4971 6719270
EatABagofRichards 51802 80513379
ClownP_nis 1040 686399
Magno_Rocha_warrior 13445 16106027
Russian_assasin_2017 6478 9360745
_DrPro_ 11134 19420125
Player_2201298700 28506 47415308
Taluke 36485 59897102
RECEBA_43 3001 3873030
Zeek099 13105 19290382
IsxbeIIa 7654 12992274
Alex_Romero_Torres 4387 5128186
daiseechain 15047 20802933
sis_marksman 9163 19950763
cplchaz 37242 62245345
Mateus_blitzBR 10636 14645866
usagi8 24276 29537555
Total 532981 808167101