[2WEAK] Weak Sauce Sold here2

Created: 07/28/2019
Commander: Polite_Man
Not registered on site

All luck, no skill

This is extension of legendary WEAK clan. (Papi Ghost) Requirements to join: Larger than average junk, exceptional dental hygene, appreciation for vocal dealings of David Lee Roth. 60%+ WR 2500 min avg damage in recent tier 10s Discord a must Tourney participation is strongly encouraged Šexual harrassment in this area won’t be reported, however it will be graded! Be smart, be witty, have thick skin Have fun, dont drop a goose egg;) Allied clan is [_MM]
Average damage


Average winrate


13 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Polite_Man Commander 1367 days 1428 71
_Artoria Private 1587 days 2068 66
dirigentta Private 1691 day 1807 61
__H_Y_P_E_R_I_O_N__ Private 1156 days 1606 59
lieutenantsherk Private 1908 days 1810 61
_Invictus Private 1120 days 1668 62
Pattons_Bull_Dog Private 1973 days 1535 64
typing Private 1676 days 1733 63
_Silent_Bob_ Private 1943 days 1583 62
Player_2953068769 Private 1686 days 1938 71
HoLeeChit_ Private 1580 days 1455 57
scso Private 1934 days 1848 60
DerekOnly Private 1721 day 1800 63
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 328870 492490361
Polite_Man 429 449757
_Artoria 44425 70836972
dirigentta 69890 105495711
__H_Y_P_E_R_I_O_N__ 47325 72550269
lieutenantsherk 22054 33612030
_Invictus 837 1304059
Pattons_Bull_Dog 4199 4706487
typing 13177 18083821
_Silent_Bob_ 20364 27333277
Player_2953068769 12945 14643773
HoLeeChit_ 13957 23291268
scso 48266 74194535
DerekOnly 31002 45988402
Total 328870 492490361