Created: 08/14/2018
Commander: _Bigger_Boom
Not registered on site


Former feeder clan to ACTIV Currently in the process of merging all regular 4CTIV members with main ACTIV Clan. All members please make the move as soon as possible. All are welcomed in ACTIV! If you have any questions s please reach out to any ACTIV deputy or reach us on discord https://discord.com/invite/nRcxUSBY The merger goal is to create what has always been our motto, to have a clan full of active players! - BIG_BOOM Stay ACTIVE!
Average damage


Average winrate


14 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
_Bigger_Boom Commander 39 days 1259 58
G_A_T Executive Officer 1878 days 996 50
Jessi_gunner Executive Officer 1525 days 1239 57
Ag3ntPendergast Executive Officer 1931 day 1272 51
TankSniper_049 Executive Officer 1848 days 980 56
galvin09670 Executive Officer 1171 day 1506 56
GuerreroJaguarGolden Executive Officer 1314 days 706 49
Chinesecommi Executive Officer 1800 days 869 49
fatfatmouse Private 978 days 1349 52
NA_shockless Private 623 days 1772 57
ggggggaxel Private 871 day 1606 57
BlAcKdRaGoNxM Private 1265 days 1085 51
Faridun90 Private 451 day 1655 53
Ultramarine_sniper Private 746 days 1700 52
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 135813 194327147
_Bigger_Boom 1307 1565838
G_A_T 13606 17820552
Jessi_gunner 18414 22729511
Ag3ntPendergast 17459 30578645
TankSniper_049 11385 12817426
galvin09670 12310 18692388
GuerreroJaguarGolden 5037 4375804
Chinesecommi 10706 14851839
fatfatmouse 22058 30263100
NA_shockless 13385 25344304
ggggggaxel 1702 1858126
BlAcKdRaGoNxM 3370 4732724
Faridun90 1048 1634835
Ultramarine_sniper 4026 7062055
Total 135813 194327147