[5TH-D] 5TH Armored Div.

Created: 01/10/2016
Commander: Colonel_Dax_
Not registered on site

Lerne leiden ohne zu klagen! Bekommen!

5TH Armored Division: We are a generally well behaved crew of experienced and enthusiastic players, ranked 22nd in all time winrate for large clans in North America, and one of the most experienced at over 45,000 average games per player. Active in tournaments, over 500 tournament wins, Discord available. If you’re a decent, serious player and wish to join, contact Colonel Dax or a deputy for recommendation. Theres no runaround regarding numerous interviews, applying to a discord recruitment channel, doing servitude in a feeder clan, having some silly audition, or other nonsense. We are a game battle group, not Augusta National. We have no feeder clans, if you’re admitted, you’re in the big league. We also are not related to any other group,,,,, we stand alone,,,, are respectful, and have fun. Lead: Colonel_Dax, Southern Ambassador: BertimusReximus, War Minister: Xwalkingdude, Pied Piper of Training: Doc Holiday.
Average damage


Average winrate


50 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Colonel_Dax_ Commander 3346 days 763 64
Xwalkingdude Executive Officer 1793 days 1441 64
Doc__Holliday__ Executive Officer 1937 days 1075 61
BertimusReximus Executive Officer 2557 days 945 61
inigo_montoya35 Private 465 days 1305 60
_Lt_Dan3 Private 1085 days 1059 55
DantheMan3208 Private 658 days 1806 62
Nub__Abuse Private 425 days 1363 65
Spoileralert Private 1381 day 1477 61
danny171717 Private 779 days 1363 61
Noob_Lube Private 836 days 1546 65
NUCKELAVEE1 Private 513 days 2054 70
Buddy_Weiss Private 1057 days 612 62
toto_ro Private 2667 days 1553 65
Klehrum Private 602 days 1543 60
PHQNA Private 433 days 1575 64
YaYaS99 Private 693 days 1619 61
SPARTAN_DEATH_TANKER Private 771 day 1733 63
Deacon_Blues__ Private 19 days 1236 61
Bigr4548 Private 2575 days 1043 64
P_I_N_E Private 1541 day 1681 70
flaming_mongoose Private 568 days 1570 61
vil01 Private 2451 day 795 64
King_Nicodemus Private 219 days 1504 60
Sturm_69 Private 37 days 1395 60
JAEGER_XV11 Private 773 days 1299 63
devinmills75 Private 36 days 1778 61
BangoSkanks Private 795 days 1676 64
absract Private 2663 days 903 58
Mr_Rusty_Shackleford Private 430 days 1713 62
shellshocked7 Private 1302 days 1285 60
ahDeStRoYeR29 Private 583 days 1841 65
gotttaGo Private 428 days 1348 67
CaptPotato19 Private 236 days 2216 64
_Pyroclastic Private 1358 days 1448 63
_Hippie_ Private 396 days 1027 66
p_e_a_n_u_t Private 362 days 1682 63
vlsi Private 2451 day 1013 60
ChocolateCherry Private 2499 days 1105 58
Quisp_Cereal Private 851 day 1621 62
RoloTomazi Private 1254 days 1324 60
Dornegoth Private 71 day 1740 60
Obermark Private 2704 days 923 59
maarekstele Private 1364 days 1437 57
FightingFriar Private 2577 days 1428 59
Catullus_the_poet_v85 Private 430 days 1367 61
Get_wrecked_bud Private 466 days 1569 59
RengMadura Private 1945 days 1634 60
Tackleblitz Private 2227 days 1860 64
Frank_Hanrath Private 148 days 1280 60
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 2398571 2946395419
Colonel_Dax_ 55749 41166637
Xwalkingdude 73779 87203374
Doc__Holliday__ 23086 20492081
BertimusReximus 33808 31569833
inigo_montoya35 132906 177027845
_Lt_Dan3 25618 30339328
DantheMan3208 54342 96038352
Nub__Abuse 5556 7954790
Spoileralert 78088 114487304
danny171717 27093 31118704
Noob_Lube 7495 9181331
NUCKELAVEE1 9879 15218211
Buddy_Weiss 48497 26795235
toto_ro 39357 52176217
Klehrum 8281 12372128
PHQNA 115521 136253223
YaYaS99 135686 187481816
Deacon_Blues__ 11513 11760427
Bigr4548 21378 17819928
P_I_N_E 33539 42864164
flaming_mongoose 89746 125857288
vil01 64443 37543902
King_Nicodemus 18244 24438645
Sturm_69 36424 48253499
JAEGER_XV11 34841 35891039
devinmills75 59754 95586727
BangoSkanks 6118 7969110
absract 67020 48503488
Mr_Rusty_Shackleford 64921 94613225
shellshocked7 72660 80280970
ahDeStRoYeR29 17883 24628587
gotttaGo 101307 116121550
CaptPotato19 24729 45163879
_Pyroclastic 5166 6754507
_Hippie_ 4169 4028664
p_e_a_n_u_t 13199 19678504
vlsi 19864 19012501
ChocolateCherry 121390 122171859
Quisp_Cereal 26907 38123319
RoloTomazi 11695 15061742
Dornegoth 66873 99848856
Obermark 105437 93973764
maarekstele 28116 43624937
FightingFriar 44648 65178783
Catullus_the_poet_v85 72394 85798590
Get_wrecked_bud 97006 137413366
RengMadura 24774 36383713
Tackleblitz 107819 152852660
Frank_Hanrath 4305 5167930
Total 2398571 2946395419