[_KG_] Kindergarten

Created: 06/10/2020
Commander: GupiTheB3
Not registered on site

Play, Learn and Grow... Together! :)

We are mainly here to have fun and hope you get a laugh out of what we do. We are allied with "No Mercy" [MERCY]. Clan Requirements: - 50% Winrate - 5 Battles Daily - 5k Battles Total - At Least 1 Tier 10 - 1k Average Damage - Must Have Discord Discord: https://discord.io/gupitheb Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-PC8-dEwyUtbtp4LcP_1zA?view_as=subscriber You must be able to recite the alphabet with quick succession saying all 26 letters correctly A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
Average damage


Average winrate


32 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
GupiTheB3 Commander 229 days 2226 68
Alexander_Hamlet Executive Officer 1263 days 1146 57
DeniedAndRejected Executive Officer 1570 days 1641 59
JuliusFord Executive Officer 1544 days 1442 54
thee1dracula Executive Officer 1733 days 979 51
GupiTheB6 Executive Officer 975 days 1543 61
DarkLink926 Executive Officer 795 days 1165 56
XxGAMINGLEGENDxX Private 684 days 951 51
ivnj Private 762 days 398 60
JamesOwen98 Private 1390 days 1336 55
Bigger_Bear___ Private 927 days 1079 53
GupiTheB69 Private 1655 days 1595 57
Alienwarrior435 Private 791 day 982 50
trace_845 Private 720 days 297 48
_Remington Private 1539 days 1020 48
Jethrovelez79 Private 1600 days 854 53
Did_I_Steal_Your_Name Private 470 days 1140 51
TeamFreeUkraine Private 701 day 652 67
foxcop Private 757 days 778 33
_H_A_T_E_D_ Private 1449 days 1328 53
Pavo021 Private 1258 days 1269 53
christeh Private 1578 days 1175 51
BthClock8665 Private 1714 days 1382 55
obofosho Private 780 days 215 41
O_H_U_K_C Private 1626 days 1592 54
_BIue Private 95 days 1163 51
Elit3_Impunity Private 1434 days 1118 49
RenamedUser_1021557085 Private 1600 days 1412 50
xSmarf_ Private 794 days 1609 60
XxChaotixX Private 108 days 1606 64
GoofyTanks1 Private 785 days 837 23
BobdeBuilder Private 1516 days 1454 52
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 296339 439970030
GupiTheB3 66531 101311758
Alexander_Hamlet 2059 2545747
DeniedAndRejected 13754 22277009
JuliusFord 3790 6443708
thee1dracula 4902 6097140
GupiTheB6 11772 20681002
DarkLink926 4852 8132219
ivnj 6 1991
JamesOwen98 4203 5725218
Bigger_Bear___ 10514 13123811
GupiTheB69 4001 7124576
Alienwarrior435 48 49100
trace_845 56 22883
_Remington 12732 19270938
Jethrovelez79 11658 10782401
Did_I_Steal_Your_Name 7930 12665202
TeamFreeUkraine 72 45640
foxcop 26 40435
_H_A_T_E_D_ 10549 15314668
Pavo021 7505 11963450
christeh 9607 14290780
BthClock8665 18007 28563890
obofosho 39 26487
O_H_U_K_C 8053 14670339
_BIue 14685 23562369
Elit3_Impunity 5769 8882315
RenamedUser_1021557085 8436 17560937
xSmarf_ 538 550163
XxChaotixX 49217 59033622
GoofyTanks1 4 10882
BobdeBuilder 4647 8797132
Total 296339 439970030