[ADEPT] Invictus Ace

Created: 10/06/2017
Commander: theevilhunter
Not registered on site

We Quell the Storm, and Ride the Thunder.

We are a competitive clan that seeks out for anyone that is up for challenges. We do a tournament depends on the situation. The requirement to join our clan isn't statistically specific, just show dedication and productivity; you're always welcomed to us. We are chill, as long as you're cool and not causing drama. Be active; I'll kick anyone who is absent for too long, the time varies on feels, if you have an excuse, then I might let you off for longer.
Average damage


Average winrate


34 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
theevilhunter Commander 637 days 1322 61
Amaury_German_lavale Executive Officer 1267 days 1612 57
Lela1995 Executive Officer 1896 days 1470 51
VUK_47 Executive Officer 2520 days 1418 55
Vageta Executive Officer 1232 days 1230 54
ImportedBirdy Executive Officer 2576 days 1280 60
SoonToBePramo Executive Officer 2695 days 1490 68
sammyjwalker25 Executive Officer 2710 days 898 57
i_am_SCARED_of_woman Private 393 days 1553 58
Thomas_natal Private 1301 day 1179 55
_LaSagNa Private 385 days 1575 57
XxDemisexX22 Private 1232 days 1925 56
GetREKT2002 Private 1424 days 1202 55
SlaytanicForce Private 1515 days 1227 55
BAssIL_91 Private 1210 days 1246 53
daxtor_iron Private 1320 days 1139 56
Wumpus_DeBr Private 904 days 1297 61
0lilsergiolil0 Private 1881 day 1140 55
_ENTERprise___ Private 370 days 1646 59
Yxwy17 Private 1881 day 1300 61
Brute296 Private 1618 days 1427 60
X_M4n_35 Private 1059 days 1114 55
Sovitewomble49 Private 1619 days 1306 56
PainMastery Private 217 days 619 68
__Sh3rpa__ Private 1258 days 1833 57
Britsh_4005 Private 1353 days 1651 57
FrivolousTitan Private 1164 days 1254 56
Who_Do_I_Care Private 98 days 1755 65
alexpagan81 Private 720 days 1321 56
Novachim3024_XD772 Private 708 days 1467 56
Jayhawk_ Private 1267 days 1492 56
DemofastCZ Private 1578 days 1382 55
KWAZ96 Private 1185 days 1538 55
undeniably Private 1473 days 1451 58
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 256274 371613326
theevilhunter 7981 9692031
Amaury_German_lavale 4930 7337791
Lela1995 20013 34048577
VUK_47 37480 61667880
Vageta 4669 6913274
ImportedBirdy 6422 7517500
SoonToBePramo 1573 1800031
sammyjwalker25 6877 8064374
i_am_SCARED_of_woman 3478 4338914
Thomas_natal 7649 9680449
_LaSagNa 3940 5040396
XxDemisexX22 8268 18580484
GetREKT2002 6747 8136018
SlaytanicForce 4444 5832289
BAssIL_91 10124 13401424
daxtor_iron 3540 3656925
Wumpus_DeBr 3529 4356392
0lilsergiolil0 3499 4318917
_ENTERprise___ 6290 7829571
Yxwy17 956 1090525
Brute296 4258 6500314
X_M4n_35 5408 5599827
Sovitewomble49 4014 5028232
PainMastery 86 40839
__Sh3rpa__ 4341 7579108
Britsh_4005 2520 4034797
FrivolousTitan 2356 3430536
Who_Do_I_Care 57856 81489654
alexpagan81 2150 2888011
Novachim3024_XD772 2286 3217584
Jayhawk_ 7102 10630549
DemofastCZ 2548 3986190
KWAZ96 4307 7584711
undeniably 4633 6299212
Total 256274 371613326