[ANGLS] Valhalla's Angels

Created: 06/06/2022
Commander: Penguinz99
Not registered on site

Win Or Die Trying

Welcome all! Together we Win or we Die trying. If one should fall we shall see them in Valhalla. We are Valhalla's Angels. (MUST BE ABLE TO COMPLETE CLAN MISSIONS. ONLY ACCEPTING ACTIVE PLAYERS. IF YOU WILL BE GONE, SEND MESSAGE IN THE CLAN CHAT. *INACTIVITY WILL BE KICKED FROM CLAN TO MAKE ROOM FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO PLAY*) Happy Tanking, and we shall meet in Valhalla!
Average damage


Average winrate


14 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Penguinz99 Commander 1007 days 2173 66
Sticky1590 Executive Officer 1006 days 1545 57
XxSkillzx_10 Executive Officer 1007 days 2307 66
vova7899871 Executive Officer 988 days 1657 54
Splatter_3 Private 1006 days 701 50
ROXYtheNASTYxFOX Private 838 days 1102 59
dry_dew Private 1006 days 769 53
merhabalar Private 922 days 984 55
chy777 Private 853 days 1669 51
Harlee_3113 Private 1006 days 1289 52
627_iron Private 845 days 1000 53
Maverik_MX Private 1001 day 1111 54
Elchido17 Private 1002 days 1169 49
itgmgicmgm Private 812 days 606 59
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 44337 65569549
Penguinz99 2943 5417514
Sticky1590 1714 2950645
XxSkillzx_10 7756 13364852
vova7899871 7061 12327738
Splatter_3 254 213813
ROXYtheNASTYxFOX 1213 953117
dry_dew 263 220726
merhabalar 2705 1882391
chy777 10334 18816645
Harlee_3113 1800 2059294
627_iron 3085 3615411
Maverik_MX 879 794233
Elchido17 1823 2191154
itgmgicmgm 2507 762016
Total 44337 65569549