[CMPNY] The Company

Created: 08/04/2015
Commander: B_loudnine
Not registered on site

Deal Damage

//©//THE COMPANY\\©\\ Built upon the idea that winning the vast majority of public battles only requires the loose consensus and teamwork of two to three very good players on a team. Requirements: Damage ratio > 1.6 Tier average > 6.0 Tier X, battles > 100 w/ good performance. KakaoTalk (Free App) & TS use required. Min. 3000 battles. Mature, team-oriented personality. WR not a requirement. For more information, please view our posting on the forums or contact SpareADime or HereFishyFishy
Average damage


Average winrate


2 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
B_loudnine Commander 3500 days 1523 62
BR1XT0N Executive Officer 3505 days 1420 66
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 37618 45741755
B_loudnine 23716 29848088
BR1XT0N 13902 15893667
Total 37618 45741755