[CNAEA] 中国NA Elite Army

Created: 08/05/2015
Commander: ForeverAlone_SB
Not registered on site

Be stronger and better.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Our whole clan now are combined into another great clan WOLFX. CNAEA is the old clan, please do not join this clan. We will be welcome for you to join us in WOLFX
Average damage


Average winrate


4 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
ForeverAlone_SB Commander 3270 days 643 100
JustCallMehPaws Private 3474 days 1413 57
pplovesmm Private 3348 days 700 61
nfs950512 Private 3477 days 1756 69
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 15500 16788558
ForeverAlone_SB 2 643
JustCallMehPaws 6430 7376462
pplovesmm 401 218979
nfs950512 8667 9192474
Total 15500 16788558