[DD-O] Opportunity Knocks

Created: 12/23/2015
Commander: Toaster943
Not registered on site

Building a professional tournament team.

General Samutilator’s “1st Armored Division” Restructuring in process. Former top clan DD-R. Part of the DD family of 7 clans has been partially dorment. Times are changing and so are we. My name is Sam. I’ve been with DD for 4 years and inherited leadership from Serb. I have been playing since 2014. I have over 70k battles and have ground almost every tech tree tank from 75% crew. I have never used free xp to advance the grind, only unlock modules and have sustained admirable stats while honoring this self discipline. Please join me if you think you are worthy. I think with the right team we can give these professional wannabes a run for the money. All we need are 9 good active and dedicated players. Come be a part of something special: I am looking for seasoned experienced/ naturally good players who are serious and active enough to compete professionally. Must be capable of discord and training between 6-10 pm (western pacific region preferred.)
Average damage


Average winrate


14 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Toaster943 Commander 2856 days 1475 60
Bbm_14 Executive Officer 2751 day 1021 58
Jwod2 Private 2392 days 1249 57
Radar1998 Private 2643 days 1262 58
bronco07cm Private 1814 days 1057 51
ya_mum1 Private 1772 days 1477 57
BlDEN_BLAST Private 2043 days 1151 54
Meter_Deep Private 2577 days 1795 65
rwacker Private 2727 days 1214 57
Rexo_Matic1237 Private 1927 days 1056 52
Maverick32167 Private 2097 days 1126 54
kj123_ Private 3278 days 1459 58
Chonfelito Private 1788 days 1386 57
QueensDragoonGuards Private 2573 days 1990 60
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 369741 487455050
Toaster943 35439 48159888
Bbm_14 27473 25786203
Jwod2 37795 48368068
Radar1998 49398 56273838
bronco07cm 14788 19872844
ya_mum1 17033 25225920
BlDEN_BLAST 9215 10879459
Meter_Deep 18018 28419702
rwacker 60482 70660313
Rexo_Matic1237 17444 26762558
Maverick32167 6959 9742814
kj123_ 49619 75655433
Chonfelito 12651 18243912
QueensDragoonGuards 13427 23404098
Total 369741 487455050