[INVCT] _Invictus_

Created: 12/11/2016
Commander: Luxorant
Not registered on site

Fight, Live or Die With Honor

INVCT is a veteran clan looking for experienced players. We are a chill group, and we do tournaments every once in a while. Ideally, you must have above a 57 winrate and 1700 average damage to join, along with 2000 average damage in most of your tier X vehicles. Exceptions can be made at the discrerion of leadership. 2/9/2022 - INVCT is now officially part of the DEF family of clans! DEF, DEF_V, DEF_A, DEF_D, DEF_X, DEF_W, DEF_4, DEF_6, DEF_7 We salute all of our first responders, nurses, and doctors for all of their sacrifices during these difficult times, thank you!! We also want to thank our veterans, servicemen and women for their commitment to keeping us safe around the clock. R.I.P. CYPER aka Chris Join our server: https://discord.gg/DF VkaYn *Ignore the space in the discord link, chat filter would not allow it to be typed otherwise*
Average damage


Average winrate


43 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Luxorant Commander 2950 days 2038 63
rborst Executive Officer 2883 days 1149 55
gangfloW Executive Officer 811 days 1219 53
olivon6ka Executive Officer 1532 days 2162 58
Idiot_Masiello Executive Officer 3010 days 1965 62
musclemen Executive Officer 1347 days 1985 55
Dua_Lipa_ Executive Officer 995 days 1902 57
Eat_More_Cake Private 1055 days 1509 56
5th_sniper_division Private 606 days 1407 53
AMC_Jeep_J20 Private 2955 days 1861 65
Tanque_xXCazadorXx Private 895 days 1834 57
Smooth146 Private 2265 days 2115 61
LubedTanker Private 1455 days 1923 58
_CornPop Private 917 days 1712 57
Brendanr13 Private 830 days 1517 57
Ryuujin___ Private 19 days 1399 54
NekoAtsume Private 976 days 1465 55
Thicket_Cricket Private 1115 days 1741 57
__wicked Private 618 days 2059 59
ByAnyMeansNecessary07 Private 611 days 1789 61
OPTanksOnly Private 1187 days 2598 63
MrLonely323 Private 869 days 1535 59
VC_C4 Private 1182 days 1767 59
Contra_kinG Private 960 days 1639 54
Yeetus1127 Private 991 day 1850 57
Fade_tronics Private 945 days 1913 59
freebirdzero Private 549 days 1822 58
PONTIAC_ENGINE Private 568 days 1714 58
cheetah_fastkerchoo Private 1197 days 1569 56
raz_the_noob Private 21 day 1521 55
The_Underminer Private 614 days 1981 59
playboi_kitty Private 999 days 1473 55
Luke454 Private 701 day 1609 57
benvcr7 Private 453 days 1647 58
darker_2018 Private 1142 days 1679 59
hashiraa Private 594 days 1425 58
PathOwOgen Private 804 days 1831 59
_Mage19_ Private 956 days 1662 57
dlux102 Private 920 days 1777 56
joebyron_9 Private 937 days 1762 57
Zooblez Private 899 days 2127 59
AmonSan Private 1257 days 1663 56
SgtSticks Private 1124 days 1504 61
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 1138208 1967126877
Luxorant 53781 85240548
rborst 23097 35606136
gangfloW 60381 76232832
olivon6ka 39373 84908303
Idiot_Masiello 17448 30660362
musclemen 19362 41182380
Dua_Lipa_ 54013 102092019
Eat_More_Cake 58875 93100922
5th_sniper_division 7202 12907963
AMC_Jeep_J20 55360 81025767
Tanque_xXCazadorXx 11840 22382564
Smooth146 43359 72491271
LubedTanker 17098 31500035
_CornPop 100549 185160619
Brendanr13 10497 18128917
Ryuujin___ 11124 19525245
NekoAtsume 13884 20929674
Thicket_Cricket 59163 101034608
__wicked 33283 69776319
ByAnyMeansNecessary07 180 295266
OPTanksOnly 7126 15098012
MrLonely323 35799 55059759
VC_C4 16463 31949892
Contra_kinG 48406 91772447
Yeetus1127 11057 20738841
Fade_tronics 18573 35270672
freebirdzero 42160 79999557
PONTIAC_ENGINE 20636 33918787
cheetah_fastkerchoo 9245 16801289
raz_the_noob 15828 26162471
The_Underminer 14305 27704955
playboi_kitty 29688 42383865
Luke454 7395 11917576
benvcr7 2122 3029123
darker_2018 12296 20115851
hashiraa 32094 38314159
PathOwOgen 31212 58453228
_Mage19_ 17677 33336132
dlux102 21654 45144210
joebyron_9 13249 25782764
Zooblez 13391 24980094
AmonSan 11597 23922719
SgtSticks 16366 21088724
Total 1138208 1967126877