[L0YAL] LOYAL to the END

Created: 04/08/2018
Commander: slapattack10
Not registered on site

Slow Is Smooth-Smooth Is Fast~Brothers of -PR-O, M5SG, and _TLE_

Loyalty and brotherhood are our guiding principles. Platooning is mandatory. Respect is a must, whether it is inside or outside the clan, disrespect will not be tolerated. Drama queens and attention hoarders are kicked quickly. Must have at least one battle in the last 30 days. If taking a break let one of the deputies know beforehand. No spamming, no swearing in chatroom. Min reqs: 50% WR over past 30 days on blitzstars.com, 3K+ battles, a tier 8 tank in your garage at all times for tournaments, and at least 1000 average damage. Discord is highly encouraged. Clan leader: slapattack10 Second in command: _BaconBoiz. Clan founder wingchunbob. For help in game message BaconBoiz or any of the officers will be happy to help you. Tournament group United will have several tournnament teams starting at tier 8 and moving up to tier 10 after several weeks of training, so please join if you're looking to become a better comp player. OFFICIAL CLAN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/pUz3aFxZgZ
Average damage


Average winrate


40 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
slapattack10 Commander 1622 days 1461 51
Hyena_hero Executive Officer 1154 days 1266 51
ShaunAZ71 Executive Officer 1246 days 1198 52
siamozor Executive Officer 691 day 1248 53
powisky Executive Officer 1392 days 1289 50
BenTB19 Executive Officer 1256 days 1626 54
Lbi_Hisoka Private 647 days 1517 52
fort_2011 Private 111 days 1746 49
The_Daggar_Killer Private 276 days 1183 50
Bloncitoo Private 279 days 1605 58
Player_9887592058 Private 640 days 1344 48
GABRIEL_VON_MACKENSEN Private 544 days 1590 53
Blits_Boy Private 1261 day 1216 52
Melted_Waffles Private 839 days 1403 54
DeletRuz Private 277 days 1502 49
eliteB0ss Private 274 days 1556 50
Vadri__an Private 218 days 1657 53
xxMooseKnucklesxx Private 748 days 1296 52
d_inglis734 Private 1391 day 739 45
2g00d4you Private 189 days 1103 45
PumaScratch Private 467 days 1327 63
Idk270 Private 270 days 1543 52
B2pdk9np4f Private 598 days 1145 51
BouncyPenguin1 Private 655 days 1206 52
cooltank_104_2021 Private 295 days 1089 52
jorgexlopez Private 294 days 1167 54
GeneralLaGaufre Private 670 days 1058 48
Virulence227 Private 823 days 1300 51
zack_man_crazy Private 276 days 1085 50
Egg_Combat Private 227 days 1649 53
Gabe091 Private 143 days 959 48
Kahner82 Private 277 days 1888 61
Gabe_722 Private 640 days 1291 50
Irina_183 Private 270 days 1171 50
Mehvan75 Private 784 days 1744 53
Deia89 Private 307 days 761 45
nikops29 Private 649 days 1323 48
26StarLord Private 366 days 1600 54
MarineVet0812 Private 122 days 1336 50
TopNoob69 Private 543 days 1262 53
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 480550 833754553
slapattack10 11644 20189731
Hyena_hero 7879 13315889
ShaunAZ71 21941 37963223
siamozor 27498 43272634
powisky 12335 23210294
BenTB19 12420 24449530
Lbi_Hisoka 33947 62166603
fort_2011 1537 3908450
The_Daggar_Killer 8425 10608829
Bloncitoo 2244 3928273
Player_9887592058 27467 52527765
Blits_Boy 9727 15471205
Melted_Waffles 32667 57669377
DeletRuz 4759 10219984
eliteB0ss 4309 9660447
Vadri__an 15006 30654154
xxMooseKnucklesxx 26932 48926519
d_inglis734 6533 12575116
2g00d4you 752 1157240
PumaScratch 1665 1319145
Idk270 1085 1331862
B2pdk9np4f 2095 2625140
BouncyPenguin1 31021 45346702
cooltank_104_2021 3776 5396243
jorgexlopez 2592 3843957
GeneralLaGaufre 2401 4707655
Virulence227 12694 22077518
zack_man_crazy 1533 1701396
Egg_Combat 2976 5648439
Gabe091 1015 988897
Kahner82 3271 4314390
Gabe_722 4251 5398229
Irina_183 10166 13157874
Mehvan75 52319 107227168
Deia89 5522 7561533
nikops29 2827 5339474
26StarLord 9802 15672726
MarineVet0812 2053 3658380
TopNoob69 43741 67068056
Total 480550 833754553