[NERFD] LetsGetTanked

Created: 05/07/2018
Commander: Lech_Tizdayen
Not registered on site

NERF'ing our opponents since 2018

4th place in 2021 Ace clan challenge. Consistently top 30 NA for over 4 years, and currently ranked 4th. We are a clan of veteran players and longtime friends, who prioritize mutual respect and integrity. Toxicity, racism, and harassment are not tolerated. Skill, competitiveness, and the desire to improve are core values of our members. SBMM 30 day reqs: 250 damage/tier 57% winrate 2300 win8 Avg tier of 8 or higher. Discord is not mandatory but strongly encouraged. Minimum battle count: 5500 games without exception. We have no interest in recruiting re-rolls who abuse new player matchmaking. Show us what you can do in the normal queue. If you wish to apply Reqs have flexibility. Contact Lech_Tizdayen, _Linsanity, arti__, or _R0nan for interest in joining NERFD
Average damage


Average winrate


47 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Lech_Tizdayen Commander 2498 days 1710 62
a3ener2 Executive Officer 1090 days 1995 63
_Lance_ Executive Officer 1943 days 1642 59
_R0nan Executive Officer 2498 days 1222 57
arti___ Executive Officer 1451 day 1345 56
Darth_Bane274 Executive Officer 1831 day 1417 55
_Linsanity Executive Officer 1366 days 2118 59
Reble__Pyro Executive Officer 1786 days 1596 62
_Linear Executive Officer 1283 days 1995 63
patatoko1 Executive Officer 1199 days 1733 55
wrecker_rex_ Executive Officer 2319 days 1065 53
Wheiler007 Executive Officer 2329 days 1888 59
ItsTheKarma Private 1217 days 1886 59
OopsIdiedAgain Private 842 days 957 51
sQrLyZiLlA Private 307 days 1474 57
CaptainDan_2 Private 1403 days 1535 58
PanzerSchnitter Private 1308 days 1272 57
_780BigBangBuddha Private 24 days 1790 60
_Shth Private 231 day 1484 54
MoxxiIRL Private 1038 days 2388 65
Andrewm8 Private 3 days 1644 55
Spherb Private 320 days 1457 54
1Ati2 Private 320 days 1272 54
DEZ7REZ Private 62 days 1551 54
__SQUAWKING__7700 Private 94 days 1556 55
_Asphera Private 357 days 1580 57
Jax_Wildwalker Private 320 days 2034 60
OMEGA_DR Private 104 days 1658 58
shtimebet Private 103 days 2662 67
_EC_ Private 198 days 1887 60
Xinji_Nichi Private 104 days 1504 58
joeycrack557 Private 154 days 1612 56
_John_Cat_ Private 17 days 1565 57
Dat_Boi_37 Private 319 days 1437 51
rey_130 Private 305 days 1324 53
_Frostyyy Private 97 days 2165 61
Galm_ Private 195 days 1847 57
elCheapoGuzman Private 104 days 1522 56
laz3rbon3 Private 94 days 2232 57
armourattacker Private 1288 days 1597 55
TheOneTheObi Private 197 days 1135 53
MURDER_INC_11 Private 832 days 1635 59
TheRedPlague2482 Private 1127 days 1294 54
_killy Private 198 days 1796 59
TimeBreaker47 Private 1412 days 2126 58
__Michael__s__ Private 359 days 1833 57
Sword_of_Martok Private 583 days 1193 55
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 1233249 2096734322
Lech_Tizdayen 74609 114808617
a3ener2 30803 55768481
_Lance_ 19237 31260354
_R0nan 44261 59936198
arti___ 46149 69331438
Darth_Bane274 17600 26122302
_Linsanity 42728 87719751
Reble__Pyro 57459 70598057
_Linear 21905 41188991
patatoko1 23651 45272171
wrecker_rex_ 33117 47580073
Wheiler007 41744 84501516
ItsTheKarma 22048 37017547
OopsIdiedAgain 5851 7370263
sQrLyZiLlA 9351 13684907
CaptainDan_2 13512 19902408
PanzerSchnitter 17692 23703072
_780BigBangBuddha 19062 32220625
_Shth 9958 17162692
MoxxiIRL 4235 8020794
Andrewm8 20719 34674908
Spherb 12246 23698867
1Ati2 4832 6275268
DEZ7REZ 11464 23977431
__SQUAWKING__7700 17464 31859338
_Asphera 14184 25593589
Jax_Wildwalker 7518 12830544
OMEGA_DR 20654 31488799
shtimebet 32436 71985128
_EC_ 26432 51321462
Xinji_Nichi 44464 60274061
joeycrack557 66331 118483611
_John_Cat_ 28843 50007510
Dat_Boi_37 4997 9586385
rey_130 21932 35994541
_Frostyyy 20835 37508209
Galm_ 12582 22391970
elCheapoGuzman 30115 53038719
laz3rbon3 16941 44905428
armourattacker 45242 72229371
TheOneTheObi 8911 11354063
MURDER_INC_11 68218 124915438
TheRedPlague2482 18525 32338183
_killy 32706 57050209
TimeBreaker47 52689 101575340
__Michael__s__ 16880 31828061
Sword_of_Martok 20117 26377632
Total 1233249 2096734322