[STORM] Thunderstorm_Division I

Created: 08/04/2015
Commander: _ominous_
Not registered on site

Hear the Thunder, Feel the Lightning

STORM is one of the original forum clans, founded on June 30th 2014 and remained active for 10 years. Top Four finisher in the first Twister Ascent Tournament, winner of Tier 9 clan wars. This clan and her sister clans are currently inactive and no longer accepting recruits. If you are interested in socializing with our members, many of whom still play the game, you can join our discord at this link: https://discord.gg/6Cen6UYvyQ Thunderstorm Family: STORM, TYPHN, CYCLN, BLZRD
Average damage


Average winrate


49 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
_ominous_ Commander 547 days 1591 58
Xpipe101 Executive Officer 1520 days 2264 64
Wingo__ Executive Officer 1142 days 1740 63
EarlyGravve Private 304 days 1866 61
DeeMoneyKilz Private 3218 days 1733 60
Nik_7986 Private 236 days 1596 58
EinSteiner27 Private 547 days 2010 59
What__why_ Private 2164 days 1860 59
Sir_RandomSkrub Private 972 days 2051 65
GarionX Private 255 days 1755 57
twincst_ Private 1404 days 1854 60
_Redemption Private 518 days 1513 57
Breathe_Air Private 309 days 1982 63
Shark_iron Private 566 days 1664 55
X_RollingThunder_X Private 499 days 1820 66
Its_Legendary Private 789 days 1819 58
AlphaWolf99TTV Private 1503 days 1788 63
DeadlyEques Private 1324 days 1765 61
More_Salt_Please Private 534 days 1792 60
Black_Smith Private 1279 days 1910 63
MafiaJinx Private 1108 days 2022 58
DayWalk3rz Private 547 days 1584 60
HisRoyalSalad Private 195 days 1580 56
hiw1cme2chilis Private 324 days 1272 60
KnispeL_The40WINRATE Private 558 days 2043 60
Synching_Ship Private 264 days 1573 59
JunkPlay3r Private 487 days 1476 58
_Ungoliant Private 516 days 1735 58
AJ_soccer16 Private 1191 day 1732 59
Impact__ Private 2149 days 2215 64
Steven_Master_of_OP Private 1206 days 1668 59
DocIceman Private 1402 days 1834 61
Hawk_eye008 Private 539 days 2243 60
Subs_THE500AVGDMG Private 402 days 1382 59
LimpToasterStrudel Private 1252 days 2206 63
Vespi Private 281 day 2774 69
THUNDERBOLTTeam Private 766 days 2393 62
CHARIOT_OF_NOBLES Private 307 days 2052 71
invictux Private 342 days 1782 54
WARRIOR2168 Private 284 days 1290 57
Pow3rBar Private 519 days 1669 60
BlazingLegend Private 1201 day 2166 64
Steve585858 Private 1406 days 2112 60
blackguard_at_four Private 575 days 2357 66
Lock_winner Private 1315 days 1922 60
Squishiez Private 194 days 1475 58
Freestyle_Gaming Private 194 days 1504 58
0hirume Private 1757 days 2022 59
__LIGMA__ Private 1106 days 1727 62
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 1696087 2828784512
_ominous_ 55323 88659462
Xpipe101 75087 135040844
Wingo__ 27710 47778221
EarlyGravve 26811 47043881
DeeMoneyKilz 69948 115830971
Nik_7986 8126 13274952
EinSteiner27 33866 68630608
What__why_ 94467 174283931
Sir_RandomSkrub 26694 40160571
GarionX 27472 49296671
twincst_ 34254 52295700
_Redemption 27659 37039296
Breathe_Air 40628 66839706
Shark_iron 90395 158545938
X_RollingThunder_X 9426 14533559
Its_Legendary 25525 51636318
AlphaWolf99TTV 39445 56938828
DeadlyEques 36907 59866264
More_Salt_Please 35347 59759535
Black_Smith 65464 106712206
MafiaJinx 31022 63239947
DayWalk3rz 82489 121590018
HisRoyalSalad 14031 25215782
hiw1cme2chilis 31269 33770925
KnispeL_The40WINRATE 13279 26401584
Synching_Ship 41595 63345595
JunkPlay3r 93394 124934772
_Ungoliant 26028 46019877
AJ_soccer16 37088 61413532
Impact__ 40011 65616763
Steven_Master_of_OP 10144 16853947
DocIceman 50058 85833422
Hawk_eye008 34359 71822519
Subs_THE500AVGDMG 10496 15535443
LimpToasterStrudel 11495 22284786
Vespi 6875 12550436
THUNDERBOLTTeam 4972 11479709
CHARIOT_OF_NOBLES 26865 42213766
invictux 27331 53317596
WARRIOR2168 21656 27824375
Pow3rBar 20297 29430955
BlazingLegend 14614 24715700
Steve585858 27748 57946955
blackguard_at_four 8695 16506741
Lock_winner 27187 46223380
Squishiez 18242 26859757
Freestyle_Gaming 15748 23997507
0hirume 37948 76017675
__LIGMA__ 60597 91653586
Total 1696087 2828784512