[JSW] Jerichos Steel Wrath

Created: 05/09/2017
Commander: BigJericho
[JSW] Jerichos Steel Wrath

Shut up and Battle!

We’re looking for active clan members to platoon and complete clan missions. We also try to compete in tournaments when possible. All are welcome to our discord server: https://discord.gg/YmMVeY8
Average damage


Average winrate


28 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
BigJericho Commander 2665 days 1496 55
Gollum42 Executive Officer 2486 days 1357 56
_Retro____ Executive Officer 215 days 1684 52
WidespreadPanik Executive Officer 463 days 1292 51
WarHeroAT Executive Officer 2038 days 1709 64
Sir_Wallet_Warrior Executive Officer 856 days 1194 50
Tank_invader007 Private 270 days 1317 51
callmehuge1234 Private 284 days 1431 51
Ubercop1234 Private 526 days 1470 59
Julia972 Private 197 days 1449 56
Brisingr_183 Private 229 days 1186 51
BlackHawk_Beta Private 266 days 1341 52
MetalGear78 Private 133 days 1442 56
mingster2000 Private 1264 days 1533 58
NVLas_Vegas Private 342 days 1705 55
xool0831 Private 435 days 1081 51
thuyluu9595 Private 477 days 1815 54
GUH_101 Private 106 days 1735 57
Jester_Karrde Private 196 days 948 50
in_use Private 1616 days 1316 53
Tyler__101 Private 239 days 1539 57
Catinham132 Private 154 days 1150 53
Nexo5 Private 739 days 1522 54
TheAImighty Private 502 days 1393 51
D4rkdr4gon Private 162 days 1432 51
KingTushima Private 283 days 1435 53
Epic9der Private 257 days 2052 55
Bluesteel_I401_ Private 931 day 1480 57
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 467457 755051057
BigJericho 43990 71167527
Gollum42 34460 55031885
_Retro____ 7001 14546979
WidespreadPanik 79813 128782608
WarHeroAT 16487 25302699
Sir_Wallet_Warrior 7346 12390809
Tank_invader007 9842 15793413
callmehuge1234 2154 3197464
Ubercop1234 24413 33974888
Julia972 3983 4829529
Brisingr_183 845 1131646
BlackHawk_Beta 11442 22746291
MetalGear78 21237 35391687
mingster2000 28489 41346106
NVLas_Vegas 3266 6631731
xool0831 3149 4629217
thuyluu9595 7532 14499673
GUH_101 3909 6192387
Jester_Karrde 1333 1745661
in_use 31396 52511516
Tyler__101 24442 36988536
Catinham132 10048 12540615
Nexo5 35953 64218500
TheAImighty 15386 27492080
D4rkdr4gon 26236 39193279
KingTushima 2224 3870432
Epic9der 3989 9514272
Bluesteel_I401_ 7092 9389627
Total 467457 755051057