[-EGM-] - Enigma -

Created: 07/08/2017
Commander: Lester___Green
Not registered on site

Remove Mexicans from the game PLS

https://discord.gg/beetlejuice Join for free succ X3N0_ spent $2K on FFXIV Wamba7 is the clan wife __ShootTheOtherGuy__ is a cotton picker BLUE_ROCK is the GOAT Hunted25 ate dog meat and liked it ZauraK_ is a pedough EnchantedVK got diddled at a diddy party
Average damage


Average winrate


48 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Lester___Green Commander 1667 days 1689 60
Wamba7 Executive Officer 913 days 2128 73
PsychedelicSanti Executive Officer 2747 days 1410 58
X3N0_ Executive Officer 914 days 2437 69
__ShootTheOtherGuy__ Executive Officer 909 days 1777 63
I_Stole_Your_Catto Executive Officer 1612 days 1240 56
Shift_Money Private 2610 days 972 60
ty37ing Private 628 days 803 45
kinokoyuusya Private 29 days 1304 49
KIWISU7411 Private 40 days 1442 56
mechpuff765 Private 704 days 1437 57
Jackson_Taylor_2016 Private 30 days 714 45
BEACHRAIDER Private 1603 days 1087 54
the_boss_2023 Private 1059 days 1170 60
Player_5724566514 Private 32 days 795 54
Aleyyya Private 30 days 1495 72
ghost19112009 Private 1 day 703 46
Jbro06 Private 29 days 1123 47
L3g4lly_Bl1nd Private 906 days 1344 57
PurplebBug Private 45 days 1219 48
Hunted25 Private 906 days 1786 62
FearlessOwl Private 704 days 2536 66
BLUE_ROCK Private 911 days 1400 46
AbeTheArab Private 16 days 1080 49
Player_2741153530 Private 32 days 1181 52
MANYMEN_ Private 14 days 1767 50
davidmvm Private 14 days 930 53
hardtarget540 Private 291 day 672 44
ChernobylFleshlight Private 911 days 953 54
J2CK3RT_defender Private 333 days 811 52
buttsnakedotcom Private 15 days 551 40
FeelsEvilMan Private 1574 days 1309 61
_JackIron_ Private 18 days 1205 51
Syrical Private 924 days 1163 51
Geordin_Fraser Private 19 days 1025 50
Admiral_711 Private 31 day 1486 58
i_hate_brokies Private 1593 days 948 53
tankmanboyperson Private 32 days 1369 48
JPM371 Private 19 days 920 51
okkkkkkkkkkkkjk Private 19 days 964 54
Deandraycastel Private 29 days 1108 54
elmaisss Private 32 days 958 50
I_Stole_Your_Man Private 1595 days 1793 61
Ishimoto_1 Private 49 days 786 46
I_Stole_Your_W33d Private 507 days 1254 55
laguito23 Private 29 days 1293 54
Chief_Kweef Private 908 days 1274 54
ZauraK_ Private 1609 days 1769 63
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 433964 629718359
Lester___Green 22212 32350427
Wamba7 2455 3989509
PsychedelicSanti 20509 26229486
X3N0_ 17208 32186508
__ShootTheOtherGuy__ 51502 72498608
I_Stole_Your_Catto 14503 19007680
Shift_Money 9183 6895707
ty37ing 4655 7673941
kinokoyuusya 477 470694
KIWISU7411 1357 1586248
mechpuff765 5895 7627867
Jackson_Taylor_2016 669 887877
BEACHRAIDER 10403 12047655
the_boss_2023 6624 8441428
Player_5724566514 103 78666
Aleyyya 145 122555
ghost19112009 426 395111
Jbro06 382 488493
L3g4lly_Bl1nd 4564 6147999
PurplebBug 3290 5557746
Hunted25 54083 83006357
FearlessOwl 1797 3545862
BLUE_ROCK 18408 33879508
AbeTheArab 5649 9657416
Player_2741153530 465 475885
MANYMEN_ 22622 57260002
davidmvm 982 733875
hardtarget540 975 1690294
ChernobylFleshlight 5337 6001172
J2CK3RT_defender 1247 1117610
buttsnakedotcom 287 308487
FeelsEvilMan 17900 20061663
_JackIron_ 1428 2169061
Syrical 4021 6459278
Geordin_Fraser 4691 6429667
Admiral_711 16712 21081781
i_hate_brokies 11929 13445977
tankmanboyperson 2224 4190923
JPM371 6088 6484151
okkkkkkkkkkkkjk 347 367445
Deandraycastel 6235 6863209
elmaisss 918 666891
I_Stole_Your_Man 8168 11330962
Ishimoto_1 1335 1411439
I_Stole_Your_W33d 14477 18176272
laguito23 781 1051466
Chief_Kweef 31427 40660548
ZauraK_ 16869 26506953
Total 433964 629718359