Created: 08/04/2015
Commander: Stealth_T49


ŃÉW, Come. To mashu discord. https://discord.gg/4GFrGaAV3P mymashu.com. Clan website ....For clan info .for our discord voice application information and invitation code..discord is highly recommended for voice communications during battle. Some of our former members have gone on to some of the best clans in the game. A good place to start. Email- stealth@mymashu.com https://discord.gg/4GFrGaAV3P https://discord.gg/4GFrGaAV3P
Average damage


Average winrate


41 member
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Stealth_T49 Commander 2853 days 925 50
OP_bubba Executive Officer 2947 days 645 59
xudojnik77 Executive Officer 3415 days 1124 50
__Espi__ Executive Officer 3443 days 1349 50
ELBICHO0000 Executive Officer 376 days 2310 70
Bruno_Farias_14 Private 706 days 936 53
Redlegunbunny Private 389 days 1084 52
No_Soup_For_U Private 204 days 520 50
2LongFoU Private 2260 days 1311 57
Sr_Perrito Private 1116 days 1415 54
dunkin7410 Private 2809 days 1429 55
templarry Private 720 days 1384 47
bigblow14 Private 59 days 1221 79
hindstr Private 429 days 756 53
Blado12345 Private 744 days 934 52
FrankTheTank_85 Private 155 days 1393 56
79fordcustom Private 166 days 1031 50
You_looked_noob Private 678 days 1834 59
ChickenInABush101 Private 143 days 1241 53
operationfalseflag Private 11 days 737 46
J0SELYN Private 14 days 1322 54
dondectru Private 83 days 1904 59
Qoca_Osmanov Private 1086 days 1498 52
anthemhawk Private 2052 days 1209 52
TheSubur Private 24 days 1840 57
yusufsagir04 Private 1086 days 1847 54
Heee06229 Private 718 days 1979 61
Bhyeon_call Private 246 days 1783 61
shortboss22 Private 239 days 938 49
Sherif_2022 Private 170 days 1323 58
GaboStinky Private 598 days 2017 61
StealthyFelon Private 187 days 1970 68
Suprfly25 Private 917 days 1162 60
Skyblu8 Private 35 days 1532 62
Peter_666_2022 Private 872 days 1261 53
qlf_mt021 Private 241 day 1514 59
bk228 Private 182 days 1653 71
funnyvalentino Private 166 days 1388 58
HugoTachi2 Private 1025 days 1366 55
REDhed_KLOWN Private 27 days 1169 57
laggy_shooter Private 144 days 1708 54
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 512732 758164226
Stealth_T49 76415 110112283
OP_bubba 286 180559
xudojnik77 81041 103957102
__Espi__ 68102 116006256
ELBICHO0000 1653 2309967
Bruno_Farias_14 2230 2133965
Redlegunbunny 1226 1362223
No_Soup_For_U 3806 2718846
2LongFoU 17520 24148781
Sr_Perrito 13950 23300729
dunkin7410 44272 72462664
templarry 6286 12624275
bigblow14 116 74504
hindstr 4061 3702423
Blado12345 17330 15633560
FrankTheTank_85 1989 2658586
79fordcustom 1159 1397995
You_looked_noob 5589 9043707
ChickenInABush101 2113 3412730
operationfalseflag 1665 1639788
J0SELYN 3467 4625100
dondectru 2210 3663622
Qoca_Osmanov 14640 28536791
anthemhawk 30286 49661249
TheSubur 1219 1738809
yusufsagir04 25615 55269302
Heee06229 2329 4259656
Bhyeon_call 1517 1930716
shortboss22 2119 1726915
Sherif_2022 919 824363
GaboStinky 8706 13304550
StealthyFelon 2799 2986217
Suprfly25 32775 34356327
Skyblu8 1414 1513850
Peter_666_2022 8159 13380304
qlf_mt021 1434 1451953
bk228 145 119041
funnyvalentino 1189 1240989
HugoTachi2 18159 23916607
REDhed_KLOWN 161 137985
laggy_shooter 2661 4638937
Total 512732 758164226