[VULCN] Dark Stalkers

Created: 09/12/2018
Commander: ShadowGaming449
Not registered on site

Lurk in the darkness

Who lurks in the dark? us of course cause chaos by killing those who stray from the pack and cause mayhem wherever you tread. Clan Discord server: https://discord.gg/64fMAue NOTE!: inactive members will be removed after 1 month, unless they notify the clan leader about absence beforehand.
Average damage


Average winrate


15 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
ShadowGaming449 Commander 2338 days 1069 55
aamree1 Executive Officer 342 days 953 48
Night_Ripper Executive Officer 1173 days 430 40
RogueShadow100 Executive Officer 1805 days 507 47
Lora_Alfstad Executive Officer 2258 days 972 47
FatTankDragon Executive Officer 2338 days 1072 57
Doc_Doom_730 Executive Officer 1178 days 725 47
The_Shadowstriker Private 753 days 851 45
Delusifer_1 Private 206 days 1030 50
Ixtabu Private 1118 days 534 43
Loose_Cannonball Private 1198 days 690 45
MnM62 Private 1913 days 957 43
ShadowWalker_602 Private 773 days 1045 48
cat409 Private 1321 day 709 46
KTazzyG Private 730 days 329 42
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 158584 222543974
ShadowGaming449 14427 15461832
aamree1 1541 1576020
Night_Ripper 19708 26011693
RogueShadow100 1684 1655820
Lora_Alfstad 30927 47739709
FatTankDragon 3882 4075581
Doc_Doom_730 6544 8750358
The_Shadowstriker 6690 11062179
Delusifer_1 5694 6340065
Ixtabu 8228 9476010
Loose_Cannonball 25540 36085916
MnM62 18938 34889848
ShadowWalker_602 9956 14132312
cat409 2156 2728275
KTazzyG 2669 2558356
Total 158584 222543974