This rating displays all the clans that players have added to the site. To add a clan, find it using the search form in the site header and go to the clan page. All the data is also updated when visiting the clan page. The rating displays only clans with a total number of battles of at least 1000.

WOT Blitz clans rankings (Average damage): Big clans

# Title Leader Members Damage
1 [K1TTN] Daddy’s Kittens :3  _lunar 30 2536
2 [-_X] - Origin -  _tanner 43 2406
3 [APX] Apex  _34 42 2273
4 [PURPL] Purple Potatoes  _LeeJiEun_ 35 2199
5 [DFM] Nomeolvides  Watea 38 2195
6 [_STR8] A1M TRUE  Dark_Magician_Girl 48 2177
7 [_V_] Void  _Frostbyte 30 2143
8 PRAMO [PRAMO] Cry About It  mike82198 31 2108
9 [_IVY] IVY  _INCESTICIDE 41 2105
10 T0MA [T0MA] South American Playstyle  YaquQamarAddinDidibazah 45 2102
11 [METRO] Metro Wipeouts  Hoeshoeshoes 31 2098
12 [XPD] Expendables  RestoredAndRebranded 46 2052
13 [-KRKN] -Kraken  _Cy___ 49 2048
14 [50A] LOS AMIGOS  one_483 32 2026
15 [-MM] Moonmen  Bandrbear 31 2019
16 [DEF_V] Defender_Vigilante  CaoNiB 30 2017
17 [HATED] HATED for a REASON  __Zombie 34 2006
18 [-STEP] StepBrother  _StepBro__ 47 1996
19 [KZ-] Korean Zombie  johnnewbie 42 1959
20 [MYSTC] MYSTC  Player_569893874783487 33 1956
21 [-ELEV] Elevate  Toothlessoo7 40 1924
22 [-ROSE] RENEGADES  _Babalawo 49 1913
23 [7RATS] 7RATS  Tanks_Go_ChooChoo 30 1902
24 [GOSU] Latin Gamers  _ZeroTwo___ 36 1894
25 --REV [--REV] REV it up  _For3veR 34 1886
26 [CALC] Calculated  SneakyOne1 41 1879
27 [-G6-] Gangster Gorillas  Liliana 50 1861
28 [-NOX-] Nocturnal  Momo2gge 46 1854
29 [FILTH] FILTH  __Skippy__ 30 1842
30 [-SKY-] The sky assembly  Qian_Panta_Rhei 33 1818
31 [BOPE] Bat. Operações Especiais  LuluVasco 42 1818
32 [DEF_D] Defender_Defiant  hell_devils 36 1810
33 [-1ST-] 1ST Family of Clans  JScottMsc2 40 1803
34 [DEF_7] DEFENDER_SEVEN  WarIsEvitable 34 1802
35 --G-- [--G--] Just G!  _Orsted 33 1799
36 [BRA1N] USE UR BRA1N… THANKS!  Fried_Sniper 34 1796
37 [STORM] Thunderstorm_Division I  _ominous_ 49 1795
38 [AZUL] Division Azul  alexxnavee 36 1792
39 [-B4-] B4 Just do it  DemiurgoSS 46 1788
40 [UNKD] Unkindness  Unkind_Raven 31 1786
41 [DEF_A] Defender_aces  pfc_no_name 30 1777
42 [-INQ-] Inquisition  BattleRam89 50 1775
43 [PONDA] Ponda Flop  PaggMan 42 1768
44 [N1TRO] N1TRO  _LT4 49 1758
45 [CURSD] CURSED to be HATED  _CURSD 32 1743
46 XWING [XWING] Rogue-Squadron  BabbyR3flex 44 1741
47 [LGND] LEGEND  _PookieBear 34 1740
48 [BOPE_] B. Operações Especiais  WotBNiceShot 37 1728
49 [DEF_4] DEFENDER_FOUR  C4ndy_korn 46 1726
50 [SRT] SPARTA  Gman_87 50 1726
51 [INVCT] _Invictus_  Luxorant 43 1722
52 [--M--] -MASTERS-  H_1_T_M_A_N 38 1719
53 DMONS [DMONS] Blitz Supremacy Elite  WotdemolisherYTchannel 49 1717
54 [KGZ] KYRGYZ  ____KYRGYZ____ 49 1714
55 [DEF] Defender  minimax123 50 1709
56 [123] RUS  WoT__TaK__ 50 1707
57 [RNG] ORION  _Nez 45 1707
58 [FOIL1] FOIL D  Doc_Little 42 1691
59 [K24] Los Angeles Lakers  ElKobydelaGente_24 44 1691
60 [KRONO] Kronos  Ltwtreveal 31 1690
61 [UNI0N] UNITED TANK CORPS  xy____ 49 1681
62 ELIPS [ELIPS] Eclipse 6  TheRadioActiveToast 42 1662
63 [NERFD] LetsGetTanked  Lech_Tizdayen 47 1654
64 [KANON] Fuego sin temor  mex_power 46 1644
65 [KRKN-] Krak du Kraken!  Sweatytank_warrior 46 1644
66 CRUEL [CRUEL] Cruel and Fearless  murcury333 34 1642
67 [GLXY] Galaxy  TheQw3rtyCon 50 1640
68 [L0VED] The Hated tired  Farrgone1 50 1640
69 [PLA] 中国人民解放军  __Chris_P_Chicken__ 43 1639
70 [COMPS] Competitive Spirit  Crawd 49 1634
71 [-IHI-] HEARTLESS x SIN CORAZON  x___RoMeO 31 1628
73 [FL-TH] Flash - Thunder  Shortymcsteve 31 1614
74 [TRACK] We'll Find You  theBLMSTL 41 1608
75 [-TDA-] Titanes de América  Lider_Titanes_D_America 32 1607
76 [-EC-] Eternal Clan  Goenz 37 1606
77 [MXPRO] Mexicanos de corazon  PLASCI77 45 1600
78 RBLN [RBLN] Rebellion  ZILO74 32 1598
79 [-SFB-] Special Forces Brigade  __P_0_S_E_I_D_0_N__ 31 1591
80 [PRVL] Prevail  Skid_84 38 1580
81 [GDP-] Guerreros De Plata  _ReaperX 36 1573
82 [EVENT] EVENT  Commander_ZeroArm 37 1565
83 [D-LA] División LatinoAmerica  Manu_The_Legend 34 1563
84 [EAD] Elite Armored Division  V_a_n_q_u_i_s_h 48 1563
85 [STR8] AIM TRUE  Dark_Magician_GirI 43 1562
86 [UNITY] Indomitable  Coolguy02 46 1557
87 [KIND] Kind Knights  thechurchofbob 45 1554
88 [ATLS] ATLAS  Salt_And_Pepper_Pls 50 1552
89 FATES [FATES] Silents Fates  PATOSR02 42 1550
90 HZZRS [HZZRS] Hussars  Halocene 50 1549
91 [__G__] Nucleaire Granny  nukeking902 32 1549
92 [-OHM-] Join the resistance  aegis_of_the_weak 44 1545
93 [UNT8] United-BR  _Jokk3R 33 1539
94 RUDY [RUDY] Rudy  Smores12 47 1538
95 III [III] TRIARII  Dan_Deerso 50 1537
96 TITAN [TITAN] Titan  MP9C3rd 31 1536
97 MINC [MINC] Murder, Inc.  Grim_The_Destroyer 48 1535
98 [M_P] Mouse Patrol  DiscountMattress 48 1535
99 [ZEAL] The Imperium of Man  The_God_Emperor_of_Man 46 1534
100 HRNET [HRNET] GET STUNG  SteelZeWetSeal6 50 1530
101 [C0BR4] Cia Blind.Recon.e Assalto  NOOB_KILLA_br 49 1529
102 [4KNGS] 4 KINGS  ViTaL0924 50 1525
103 [HEAP] High explosive canadian  Surchaufeur 49 1524
104 [L4T1N] Latin World Tanks  titu_2014 50 1521
105 TYPHN [TYPHN] Thunderstorm Typhoon Div.  Sir_RamsALot 30 1517
106 [-KMX-] KLAN MEXICANO  Kstillo__ 31 1516
107 [-HMY-] Harmony_  Brign716 37 1513
108 [AIS] AmericanIS  poochy3399 50 1512
109 [MEX-1] MEXICANOS NUMERO 1  KuroMoriMineOficial 46 1507
110 [TOWN] BOTTOM TIER BULLIES  tankeatingtiger 30 1505
111 [SLAPP] Slapp House  CrackTheSeal 35 1504
112 [_G-D_] __Ghost Division__  CH4R1E 40 1504
113 [STRYK] WoT_DeathStrike  OTTOMATIC_THE_ORIGINAL 31 1502
114 [SLC] Shadow Legion Clan  The_Shadow_Striker 49 1500
115 [NITRO] NITRO  _Blackwing 46 1499
116 [2RNBR] 2nd Royal N. B. Regiment  Steve_MGT 47 1498
117 [IMPRL] Imperial Elite  MARtELL_EvA_05 48 1496
118 [BLOSS] Blossom  _SpecialSnowflake 32 1494
119 [-BAE] -BAE-  Hebertoo 37 1486
120 [CCCP] 1st GUARDS TANK ARMY  superpekc 50 1483
121 [AEAC-] High Explosive Anti Tank  MexicaN_Eagl3_5teel_ 40 1482
122 [SISMO] TEN-CAI-VILU CHILE  Xx_DeViLmAyCrY_xX 38 1482
123 [501ST] 501st Legion  eds269 34 1475
124 [GLDG] Gold Guns  cvbowen1970 44 1474
125 [_KAT_] The 2nd Waltz of Pravda  XxXKatyushaXxX 49 1474
126 [__Z__] The Mark of Zorro  _Tiger_Lily 50 1473
127 [ADEPT] Invictus Ace  theevilhunter 35 1472
128 RAZ0R [RAZ0R] Cutting Edge  Takornok_1 35 1471
129 [-MIST] Life Elevated  _Matyrdom 49 1465
130 [TEISA] Tankes Especializados Ind  xOneIsaias 38 1464
131 [ACTS2] Arm Chair TankerS 2  lego_expert 47 1462
132 [HORN] War Horn  BIGBEAR_9600 44 1459
133 [-EGM-] - Enigma -  Lester___Green 37 1455
134 [COD] CIan of Death  rosgrim 47 1452
135 [QC_FR] Quebecois +français  Jack0vif 50 1449
136 [_KG_] Kindergarten  GupiTheB3 32 1449
137 AXIOS [AXIOS] AXIOS  ____Cronos____ 50 1448
138 [-CFE-] Canadian Forces Elite  Bullveigh25 43 1445
139 PZC [PZC] Panzer Corps  fuzzytroller5742 50 1445
140 [NRF] NATO Response Force  NATO_Supreme_Commander 48 1440
141 [O_C_S] Operative Combat Squad  e___18989 33 1440
142 [TMD] Theater Missile Defense  ____Fish____ 46 1440
143 [-MEX-] Fuerzas Especiales MEX  Heluzz 50 1439
144 [FURY] Fury  akstovetopp 50 1439
145 [TANG0] *Clan Argentino & Latino*  Sergio_ARG_Warrior 45 1436
146 [WISCY] Invisible College  SalazarSlytherin993 44 1433
147 [GX] Galatians  kgluckyme2 50 1431
148 [XSMX] Suicidal Maniacs  Privateerhunter 41 1429
149 [7STAR] Alliance of Seven Stars  pobeditel_boec_sniper 30 1427
150 [FOGS] Forgotten Soldiers  JoeJoethedogfaceboy 49 1424
151 [COTB] NY_KS Clan Of The Brave  SweetBlueZ51 46 1420
152 [ACES_] Murder incorporated  Grizzer_Bear 48 1418
153 [FOE] FoeHammer  TheFireWitch 49 1418
154 [SPANK] SPANK  SentientForce 48 1417
155 EAP [EAP] Esquadrão Águias de Prata  Xx__CnC__xX 49 1416
156 [RINO] RHINO'S REVENGE  M_O_R_P_H_E_U_S 50 1414
157 [LETAL] Reyes Del Inframundo  ABUELO_TROLL__Robertt0 35 1413
158 [MBR] Monarquistas do Brasil  jmaico 43 1413
159 [-BA-] Black Arrow  tfworld 36 1410
160 0FREE [0FREE] FREEDOM  Sou1_Hea1er 46 1408
161 [BLUEZ] BLUE Tankerz in Training  BoomBoomOwW 38 1404
162 [SWOMP] The Swamp  __marshmellow__ 44 1404
163 [T9-10] Tier 9 & 10  Im_soElite 50 1404
164 [SLC_2] Shadow Legion Clan 2  The_Shadow_Stryker 46 1401
165 [SWARM] infestNation  headlife 50 1401
166 [SEAL] Clubber  DaedalusB 38 1400
167 [BOSOX] Boston Red Sox  14th_AD_Liberators 34 1399
168 [-INV-] Invicta  Lumbago_ 39 1397
169 [DONE] Brotherhood Alliance  Lightning_RR 46 1396
170 [KITNG] Kitten Guardians  aCatWithPower 35 1396
171 [AGOGO] BLITZERS  Rogue_Patriot_ 49 1395
172 [5TH-D] 5TH Armored Div.  Colonel_Dax_ 50 1392
173 [AXOP] Axis of Power  srennon 50 1391
174 [FEUD] Feud  Toxic_Tanker07 44 1390
175 [F0DA] Força OP de Ataque  feradio 47 1386
176 [-D-T-] DARK TIGERS  h24plusbeta 44 1384
177 [D1DDY] D1DDY  Little_Lady 44 1384
178 [III-R] Triarii Tiro  3dDavinci 42 1384
179 [YWING] Tierfon-Yellow-Aces  Shamwoooooooooow 47 1384
180 [ALIAS] SHOCKWAVĖ  Tikiawuw 42 1383
181 [BMX] BLITZ MEXICANO  CeoRoMZ 46 1383
182 [BLUZX] BLUEZ TeamX  bucanero5 41 1377
183 NOOBS [NOOBS] Noobs  H0rati0 43 1376
184 [QED] Quod Erat Demonstrandum  Black_Bean 34 1375
185 [SR-71] The Blackbirds  greek1645 47 1374
186 [KRON2] KRONO  Dawid_paszkiewicz 49 1372
187 [_BN_] ßeast Natiøn.  tresNarlo 31 1371
188 [III-C] Triarii Salararius  B_R_O_N_C_O 43 1370
189 [PUNKZ] Renegades of Punk  GeneralPhartz 47 1367
190 [NOBDY] We’re Nobody  DobyIR 32 1366
191 [MM50] METAL MINIONS  Full_Metal_Jesus 31 1363
192 [KAOS_] Caos_  Donfa 44 1362
193 [L0YAL] LOYAL to the END  slapattack10 40 1362
194 [OZEU] OZEU  hayanezumi 36 1362
195 -LP- [-LP-] Legion Patibulo Elite  Iron_Cyclope 50 1361
196 [TDK2] Tank Destroyers II  Pallus 48 1361
197 [I-X] Iron Cross  sgrundy1 50 1356
198 DBLAT [DBLAT] DivisiónBlindada Latina  JJQuintero 30 1355
199 [N9] The NINE  Rock_The_Hammer 41 1355
200 [EAS-1] ELITE AMERICANS  EiGhtY_DeuCe 46 1354